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It’s Time to Start Talking About Co-managed Data

As we reach the end of another decade, I've been reflecting on the changes over the last ten years in my areas of interest - customer management as my day job, and personal data management for individuals as my hobby horse.

Case Library is online

Let me introduce you the MVP version of the long-awaited Case Library that we’d like to test now with the MyData community members.

What happened to Hadoop

For nearly a decade, Hadoop was the poster child for “big data.” But something happened within the big data world to erode Hadoop’s foundation of a distributed file system (HDFS) coupled with a compute engine for running MapReduce (the original Hadoop programming model) jobs. Well, many things happened - read more here.

A road map for a fair data economy offers a new foundation for Europe’s sustainable growth

Digitisation and artificial intelligence, data and the platform economy are key to accelerating European productivity and growth in the global context. Europe could build a human-centric model for a data economy based on the fair use of data, according to a policy brief released by the Lisbon Council and Sitra.

Introducing Personal Data Exchanges & the Personal Data Economy

The next big technological shift is to a world where every individual can manage and (optionally) monetise their personal data. Companies like Facebook and Google already make billions because they know everything about us via our online habits. What if we could take a cut? What if we could own and sell our data directly?

IHAN Pilot Projects

Sitra implemented the call for funding applications as part of Sitra’s IHAN® – Human-Driven Data Economy focus area, which will run until 2021. Some projects started in 2018 and the rest will start in spring 2019. All projects will be finished in 2021.

Interview Template for Case Library

An interesting project from MyData is the Case Library and this is a template based on one of the first interviews with Tilaajavastuu.

LEDGER selects 16 human centric projects

...working on decentralised technologies to enter its Venture Builder programme.

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Review for Architecture specification for a Consent Service

The Information System Authority of the Estonian Republic has developed a Architecture specification for a Consent Service. Feedback is welcomed!

Catch up on the Case Library

With Schluss we're building Proof of Concepts around Use cases that might be interesting for the case library. What's the easiets way to catch up?