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ウィークリーダイジェストをメールで受け取るには: 購読


Covid-19に対する社会の教育水準と文化 - いかに相手を思いやれるか、あるいは制度で規制するか。


Data Commons & Data Trust

How do data trusts relate to data commons? When trying to make sense of the many data governance models and data sharing arrangements in existence this question comes up a lot. This article gives some basic insights into the relationship between a data commons and a data trust.
And the author (Anouk Ruhaak) also compiled a comprehensive reading list about the topic of Data Trusts.

Data Cooperatives in the Real World: Progress and Challenges (Video: 51:36min)

Good panel on data cooperatives with Anouk Ruhaak, Kobbi Nissim, and Katrina Ligett

COVID-19 ‘health passport’ for travel and events

Spikes in coronavirus across the world are once again impacting the tourism industry. But one start-up has a possible solution – an app which acts as a health passport to prove travellers are virus-free.

Introduction to API Economy (Open University)

This course is a university Master's level course meant for people who have not encountered API Economy as a business model before, even if they had some knowledge of APIs as technology.

Choosing a data sharing structure — Data trusts

This post explores how we might map the suitability of different data sharing structures to different types of data use.

Data Trusts and the EU Data Strategy

The EU’s draft data strategy set out its aim to promote a European data economy, while protecting individual rights and embedding ethical considerations in data governance. Data trusts offer a tool for bridging the gap between aspirations to share data and concerns about individual rights.
And Viivi shared an article with the US view on the EU funding personal data spaces as a trust: The EU is launching a market for personal data. Here’s what that means for privacy.

Building Collective Power to Refuse Harmful Data Systems

“Collective refusal” as an alternative for (or a complement to?) individual consent.



MyDataShare materials for Common Endpoints: for basics; next-level developer guide: and finally OpenAPI docs:


As part of DECODE, pilots in Amsterdam and Barcelona over the last three years have used advanced technology to allow citizens to decide with whom they share their data and on what terms. In this article Amsterdam and Barcelona share takeaways from these data commons pilots.

MyData コミュニティからの情報


  • Teemu さんは、新しいテーマ別グループ(MyData-4-Pandemics)の承認に関する動議を提出し、承認されました。グループ憲章はこちらから。


  • テーマ別グループの MyData-4-Pandemics は、データアーキテクチャに関するWeb会議を、8月10日と8月12日に開催しました。

  • slack の Common Endpointsチャンネルでは、8月12日にWeb会議を開催しました。マニフェストおよび、12月10日(木)から12日(土)にオンライン開催されるMyDataカンファレンスのプレゼンテーションの内容について議論しました。議事メモはこちらからどうぞ。

  • slack の MyData オペレーターチャンネルでは8月12日にWeb会議を実施しました。議事メモはこちらからご覧ください。

  • Jogi さんは、パーソナルデータのガバナンスに関するホワイトペーパーの執筆に協力してくれるボランティア・グループへの参加に意欲ある方がいるか slack で尋ねました。

2259 (5 new)
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