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Projects using personal data to combat SARS-CoV-2

The GDPRhub maintains a page to collect different approaches by government and private projects to use personal data to combat SARS-CoV-2.

“SARS-CoV-2 Tracking under GDPR” by noyb

In the wake of the Corona crisis, many governments and non-governmental institutions consider the usage of infection tracking systems to fight the pandemic. They float different ideas how these systems shall look like. While reviewing some of those ideas, noyb (European Center for Digital Rights) has prepared this ad hoc paper on legal requirements for virus trackingsystems.

7 Slack privacy settings you should enable now

The communications platform that many have come to rely on for both work and staying in touch with friends is, like most things online, a potential privacy disaster waiting to happen. And while you may not have a choice in whether you use the tool, you do have the option to lock its privacy settings down to mitigate any fallout before it's too late.

Funding Opportunities

This is a list of upcoming funding opportunities:

  • a curated list of open calls, funding opportunities, useful tools, collaborative actions and many more initiatives to help fight the Coronavirus situation by Martel Innovate
  • Mozilla announced the creation of a COVID-19 Solutions Fund as part of the Mozilla Open Source Support Program (MOSS)
  • NGI: DAPSI (deadline: April 22nd, webinar) and TRUST (3rd call, deadline: May 4th)






Business & Government Intermediate read

European Commission starts a consultation on GDPR

The Eropean Commission starts a consultation on GDPR with tight dates (1-29 April) and Iain suggested to submit an official collaborated MyData response to this. Please join collaboratively editing this MyData document.



Hub-Taiwan joined the #CodeVsCovid19 hackathon and build the alpha version of corona-related app MyLog14 in 3 days.

MyData コミュニティからの情報




下記は、MyData Globalチームからのゲスト投稿であり、COVID19パンデミックに対するMyDataコミュニティの反応について短い要約を提供します。

MyDataはCOVID19応答でアクティブです - #coronadataチャンネルで何が起こっていますか?


  • INFO: Corona Info :corona-info:
  • NEED: Corona Need :corona-need:
  • OFFER: Corona Offer :corona-offer:



いくつかの優先活動を調整するために、行動計画(action plan)が起草されています - このSlackメッセージも参照してください。

行動喚起(Calls to Action)


2027 (40 new)
253 (32 チャンネルモニター中: ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, cities, common_endpoints, community, community-meeting, coronadata, decisions, design, done, economy, event-2020-europe, events-and-meetings, general, health-data, hub-initiators, identity, make-it-happen, media, my-ai, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, policy, random, reading, startups, strategy, thank-you, tools, transparency, welcome)
17 thanked 33


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