Business & Government Simple read
Interesting perspective:
Apple has brazenly, in broad daylight, stormed into the Bank of Facebook, looted its most precious resource, and, camouflaged under the noble cause of giving privacy controls to the consumer, fled the scene.
Uma perspectiva interessante: a Apple invadiu descaradamente o Banco do Facebook em plena luz do dia, roubou seu recurso mais precioso e, camuflada sob a nobre causa de entregar o controle da privacidade aos consumidores, fugiu da cena do crime.
A maneira como as pessoas são rastreadas online tem sido um jogo de gato e rato entre os maiores navegadores e a indústria de publicidade há anos. Cada vez que o setor encontrava uma maneira de se recuperar dos apagões de estoque causados pelo bloqueio de cookies do Google e da Apple, era atingido por outro obstáculo.
Business & Government Intermediate read
The way people are tracked online has been a cat-and-mouse game between the biggest browsers and the ad industry for years. Every time the industry found a way to claw its way back from the inventory blackouts caused by Google and Apple blocking cookies, it was hit by another curveball.
Companies are capitalizing on the growing global demand for data privacy tools - to meet both regulatory compliance and consumer expectations.