Noteworthy Information

Business & Government Advanced read

Revision of the eIDAS Regulation–European Digital Identity

With eIDAS, the EU has laid the foundations and a predictable legal framework for people, companies (in particular SMEs) and public administrations to safely access services and carry out transactions online and across border. Despite undisputed achievements, the potential of electronic identification and authentication under eIDAS remains underexploited.

[Avançado] Revisão do Regulamento eIDAS - Identidade Digital Europeia

Com o eIDAS, a UE lançou as bases e um quadro jurídico previsível para que pessoas, empresas (em particular as PME) e administrações públicas tenham acesso seguro aos serviços e realizem transações online e transfronteiras. Apesar das conquistas incontestáveis, o potencial da identificação e autenticação eletrônicas no eIDAS permanece subexplorado.

Facebook testing the boundaries of privacy with Oculus Quest 2

It seems that when you report anything in VR-games, your headset data - including what you see and do - are transmitted to FB and they can do with it and keep it as long as they want. No restrictions.

Facebook が狙う Oculus Quest 2 のプライバシー境界

2020年10月に299ドルで発売予定の Oculus Quest 2。装着したVRゲームのヘッドセットから Facebook に、ゲームの世界であなたが何を見てどんなことをやったのたか、という情報が送信される、というのは本当なのでしょうか。しかも、そのデータを何に使い、どれくらい保管するかの裁量には制限がないようです。

Facebook testando os limites da privacidade com Oculus Quest 2

Parece que quando você relata qualquer coisa em jogos realidade virtual, e os dados do fone de ouvido - incluindo o que você vê e faz - são transmitidos para o FB. E eles podem fazer o que quiserem com eles e mantê-los por tempo indeterminado. Sem restrições.

Experiment: How private is your personal information?

A coffee shop makes an experiment where they get free coffee by liking their Facebook page. Then, show them how much data they gather within a few minutes just with a like.


I’m extremely happy to announce that Findy cooperative has been founded!