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The way mobile games collect information about their users, and the details of what type of information they’re collecting, remains incredible opaque. The fact that it’s all so confusing is kind of the point, obviously. As a result, mobile games have escaped the level of scrutiny we’ve applied to social media companies, despite being – as category – nearly equally popular and far more likely to be used by children.
Sky Bet, the most popular gambling app in Britain, compiled extensive records about a user, tracking him in ways he never imagined.
Niantic’s apps certainly encourage gamers to get outdoors and get active, but behind the scenes, Wizards Unite is quietly casting another spell: collecting a surprising amount of data about where you go.
Does anyone have experience of gaming apps and DP compliance, particularly in app ads? (Other than the obvious, start with a privacy first approach etc.) What are the checklist items they need to be aware of getting right?
Cyber Chronix is a game to understand data protection rights and raise awareness on privacy risks.
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