Bienvenue sur le MyData Weekly Digest, site d’actus sur la gestion des données personnelles, et notamment dans une approche “Human Centric” . Nous fournissons des informations récupérées principalement sur le MyData Global Slack Channel depuis juin 2019. Les publications et commentaires appartiennent à l'utilisateur de chaque entrée. MyData est à la fois une idée et une vision éthique de la donnée personnelle. C’est aussi un mouvement et une communauté, et une organisation mondiale à but non lucratif. En savoir plus ici:

OwnYourData et la communauté MyData partagent les mêmes valeurs pour une société numérique juste, durable et prospère. Voir la Déclaration de mission OwnYourData pour plus d'informations, voir supporter le mouvement MyData. Si vous avez des suggestions, n’hésitez pas à me contacter à weekly-digest(at)

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Information importante

Relationships and Identity

A great post from Phil Windley on the importance of Self Sovereign/ Decentralised Identity in forming better digital relationships than we have at present.

Don’t ask if artificial intelligence is good or fair, ask how it shifts power

It is not uncommon now for AI experts to ask whether an AI is ‘fair’ and ‘for good’. But ‘fair’ and ‘good’ are infinitely spacious words that any AI system can be squeezed into. The question to pose is a deeper one: how is AI shifting power?

Not Fit-for-Purpose - MSI Integrity

Not Fit-For-Purpose reflects on a decade of research and analysis into international standard-setting Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives (MSIs). It concludes that this grand experiment has failed in its goal of providing effective protection against abuse. While MSIs can play important roles in building trust and generating dialogue, they are not fit-for-purpose to reliably detect abuses, hold corporations to account for harm, or provide access to remedy.

Privacy Icons and Legal Design

Data ecosystem is rapidly shifting towards user-centric model. What factors affect how people perceive the value of their personal data?

The looming disaster of immunity passports and digital identity

Immunity Passports have become a much hyped tool to cope with this pandemic and the economic crisis. Essentially, with immunity passports those who are 'immune' to the virus would have some kind of certified document - whether physical or digital.

On Design Thinking

This is a very well-written article on the belief that there is a universal and standardised design methodology capable to fit design problems of any kind.

The great coronavirus-tracing apps mystery

Germany and Switzerland are not sure how well their apps are working as the data is out of bounds.

Future generations deserve good ancestors. Will you be one?

The living, the dead and the unborn are all here with us: we must respect their interests and their world as much as our own.

Questions posées


EAVI (an NGO based in Brussels, working on media literacy) has created a test to raise awareness on the role of media in our lives. It's just 10 questions (and I have to admit I only got 2/10 right...)



This is getting some publicity. It’s Image “Cloaking” for Personal Privacy. Worth considering as a MyData tool?

MyData interne

Board and Steering Group

  • Sarah shared the agenda for the July Board meeting on July 30th
  • Mehdi facilitated the Steering Group call on Friday, July 24th about the upcoming board elections


2238 (8 new)
275 (31 monitoré: ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, cities, common_endpoints, community, community-meeting, decisions, design, done, economy, event-2020-europe, events-and-meetings, general, health-data, hub-initiators, identity, make-it-happen, media, my-ai, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, policy, random, reading, startups, strategy, thank-you, tools, transparency, welcome)
1 remercié 1

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