Information importante

Individuals Intermediate read

Media Literacy and Critical Thinking Online

This publication from the US Homeland Security provides information for how individuals can be resilient to harmful or false narratives in the online space and effective when consuming and sharing information online. The resource provides definitions of the various types of misleading information, offers recommendations for approaching digital content, and lists further educational and programmatic resources.

[Intermediary] The Data Delusion

The more collective the harm, the less people are protected and the less visible it is. The more the harm is individual, the more visible its impacts are and the more people are legally protected. If a person is discriminated against because of protected characteristics such as their age, gender or ethnicity, it will be visible to them and they will hopefully be in a position to seek redress. When a person is discriminated against due to an algorithmic decision, it is likely to be less visible and, currently, hard to seek redress.

[Advanced] Blueprint on Digital Transformation of Health and Care for the Ageing Society

Consider to use a personas matrix to develop your personas set. It is a useful conceptual tool that would help you reflect on your personas decision-making and to better structuring your personas set based on some criteria — in particular, this tool helps to think on what the right criteria for your personas set might be and to iterate your work.

Data Literacy Project

Building a data-literate culture for all: We are a global community dedicated to making the language of data understood and communicated effectively.

Questions posées


EAVI (an NGO based in Brussels, working on media literacy) has created a test to raise awareness on the role of media in our lives. It's just 10 questions (and I have to admit I only got 2/10 right...)


ICDL Foundation is an international organisation dedicated to raising digital competence standards in the workforce, education and society. Our certification programmes, delivered through an active network in more than 100 countries, enable individuals and organisations to assess, build and certify their competence in the use of computers and digital tools to the globally-recognised ICDL standard.


Located at the intersection of privacy & AI, we are an open-source community of over 10,000 researchers, engineers, mentors and enthusiasts committed to making a fairer more prosperous world.