Bienvenue sur le MyData Weekly Digest, site d’actus sur la gestion des données personnelles, et notamment dans une approche “Human Centric” . Nous fournissons des informations récupérées principalement sur le MyData Global Slack Channel depuis juin 2019. Les publications et commentaires appartiennent à l'utilisateur de chaque entrée. MyData est à la fois une idée et une vision éthique de la donnée personnelle. C’est aussi un mouvement et une communauté, et une organisation mondiale à but non lucratif. En savoir plus ici:
OwnYourData et la communauté MyData partagent les mêmes valeurs pour une société numérique juste, durable et prospère. Voir la Déclaration de mission OwnYourData pour plus d'informations, voir supporter le mouvement MyData. Si vous avez des suggestions, n’hésitez pas à me contacter à weekly-digest(at)
The Fleming that advises the European Commission on research into the novel coronavirus Professor Peter Piot has told VRT News of how a possible second wave of novel coronavirus infections should be tackled.
The Organiser’s Activity Book is a self-learning resource from Tactical Tech’s Data and Activism project. The book is a collection of playful exercises for organisers within civil society who work with the personal data of human rights defenders, investigators, campaigners, and others who are taking part in social or political action.
As the U.S. reckons with centuries of structural racism, an important step toward making health care more equitable will require transferring control of health records to patients and patient groups.
Following a complaint by noyb and a similar complaint by the French NGO “La Quadrature du Net”, the CNIL (the French Data Protection Authority) imposed a 50 million euro fine on Google over the company’s opaque privacy policy and lack of legal basis for personalized ads.
How to customize Slack so you get the notifications you need — when you need to get them
Educational courses and content to inform, equip and inspire you or your organization to use data as part of your everyday language.
Business & Government Intermediate read
The objective of Helsinki is to enhance the utilisation of data and analytics, in order to be able to produce individual and tailored services for the residents.
Listen to the first public conversation between Shoshana Zuboff and Margrethe Vestager about: The European way to shape the digital age and many other interesting topics.
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