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Interessante Informationen

Business & Government Simple read

DuckDuckGo Search Queries Grew 47% in 2021

The privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo continues to grow rapidly, with the company now averaging over 100 million daily search queries and growing by almost 47% in 2021. While DuckDuckGo's growth is considerable, it still only has 2.53% of the total market share, with Yahoo at 3.3%, Bing at 6.43%, and Google holding a dominant share of 87.33% of search engine traffic in the USA.

Developers Intermediate read

Theorising Personal Data Markets in the Age of Communicative Capitalism

In this article, we focus on the increasingly popular market-libertarian critique that proposes individual control, ownership, and ability to commodify one’s personal data as an answer to corporate data extraction, derivation and exploitation schemes. We critique the claims that personal data markets counterbalance corporate digital capitalism on two grounds. First, these markets do not work economically and therefore are unable to address the exploitative aspect of surveillance capitalism. Second, the notion of personal data markets functions ideologically because it reduces the critique of surveillance capitalism to the exploitation of consumers and conceals the real objective of data capitalists such as Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple to not (just) exploit audiences but to create worlds that create audiences.

Individuals Simple read

Data: A New Direction — But Which Direction?

Stated plainly, the UK Government is planning to end data protection rights for UK citizens. Reforms proposed in its paper Data: A New Direction would shift the core operating principle of data protection regulations from citizen protection (that personal data shall only be collected by organisations “for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes”) to a new principle that organisations should have the right to build and maintain databases about citizens without their consent.

Developers Simple read

Trusted Third Parties vs Self-Sovereign Identity

An option to overcome the privacy and security problems of Trusted Third Parties and make the data more usable for its holders is Self-Sovereign Identity.

Business & Government Simple read

How Chinese Police Track Critics on Twitter and Facebook

The Chinese government, which has built an extensive digital infrastructure and security apparatus to control dissent on its own platforms, is going to even greater lengths to extend its internet dragnet to unmask and silence those who criticize the country on Twitter, Facebook and other international social media.

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