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How the Trump Campaign’s Mobile App Is Collecting Huge Amounts of Voter Data

The New Yorker on the mobile app for Donald Trump’s reëlection campaign, which was developed by the ad broker and software company Phunware, and how it gathers users’ data in an invasive way reminiscent of the methods of Cambridge Analytica.

Proximity Tracing in an Ecosystem of Surveillance Capitalism

Proximity tracing apps have been proposed as an aide in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. Some of those apps leverage attenuation of Bluetooth beacons from mobile devices to build a record of proximate encounters between a pair of device owners. The underlying protocols are known to suffer from false positive and re-identification attacks. We present evidence that the attacker's difficulty in mounting such attacks has been overestimated.

Business & Government Intermediate read

How weaponizing disinformation can bring down a city’s power grid

Social media has made it possible to manipulate the masses via disinformation and fake news at an unprecedented scale. This is particularly alarming from a security perspective, as humans have proven to be one of the weakest links when protecting critical infrastructure in general, and the power grid in particular.

Principles for Revenue Models of Data Stewardship

One of the biggest concerns, given data is an intangible and valuable asset, is how business models can be structured so that stewards remain incentivized to serve the interests of individuals and communities, and do not use the data for their own ends. Data is a complex resource, and to understand potential revenue models of a steward, this paper studies resources or assets which embody the complexity of data and the accompanying ethical issues of protection.
You may also want to have a look at "Understanding data stewardship: taxonomy and use cases" from the same source.

Facebook testing the boundaries of privacy with Oculus Quest 2

It seems that when you report anything in VR-games, your headset data - including what you see and do - are transmitted to FB and they can do with it and keep it as long as they want. No restrictions.


Developers Intermediate read


D-ID Secures Over $13.5 Million to Protect Against Mass Surveillance - “The software platform that removes key biometric data from photos and videos continues to protect industries and individuals”

OwnYourData Data-Vault

OwnYourData and Human Colossus Foundation have been selected to take part in the Data Portability & Services Incubator NGI.DAPSI! Follow our journey with the brightest Data Portability innovators in Europe.


iGrant.io successfully demonstrated consented personal data exchange using Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) integrated with MyData Operator services (MyData Global) in response to a call from NGI - The Next Generation Internet - eSSIF-Lab to transform any organisation’s application(s) through the use of Self-Sovereign Identity (#SSI), partnering with unikk.me (Denmark). Read more



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