
The benefits of sharing personal data – what can we learn from Open Banking?

Since its launch two years ago, Open Banking requires the UK’s nine largest banks to give customers better control of their data. If people give permission, the banks are obliged to share their data with third party services.

Individuals Simple read

Privacy, Data, and the Consumer: What US Thinks About Sharing Data

As GDPR becomes the norm, are marketers able to walk the tight-rope of consumer data and privacy? Acxiom and DMA study consumers’ take on data sharing.

Support Centre for Data Sharing

The Support Centre for Data Sharing (SCDS) initiative focuses specifically on researching, documenting, and reporting about the data sharing practices, EU legal frameworks, and access and distribution technology that are relevant to organisations, and that imply novel models, and legal or technological challenges.


Topics for monthly community call

Our next monthly community call is on Aug 16th - time TBD. Would anybody of you like to present some recent developments with others?


Schluss is an app that puts you back in control of your personal information.


Expert knowledge is a strategic asset for your organization. Let it flow.

Support Centre for Data Sharing

The Support Centre for Data Sharing (SCDS) initiative focuses specifically on researching, documenting, and reporting about the data sharing practices, EU legal frameworks, and access and distribution technology that are relevant to organisations, and that imply novel models, and legal or technological challenges. We will do that in the awareness of the entirety of the data sharing space, but without developing its full spectrum.