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Godna uwagi informacje

Digital Health Pass Could Help Lift Global Travel Restrictions

A new digital health pass being trialled this week could revolutionise the way we travel during the coronavirus pandemic, industry experts hope. The aim of CommonPass is to enable safer, smoother travel, allowing travellers to securely carry their Covid-19 test result in a standardised format that is instantly recognisable to border officials at the country they’re entering.

Andrew Yang proposes that your digital data be considered personal property

Data generated by each individual needs to be owned by them, with certain rights conveyed that will allow them to know how it’s used and protect it.


Making your digital self personal property makes as much sense as making your physical self personal property. That road does NOT end well.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Abusive Surveillance in the Name of Public Health

The public health crisis is laying a dangerous foundation for the future surveillance state.

Paper: Usage Control in the International Data Spaces

The paper is related to https://www.mydata-control.de by Fraunhofer IESE Usage Control group. From the Abstract:

In the age of Industry 4.0, data exchange between different organizations is an essential prerequisite to add more value to data and to develop modern business models. However, we have to solve several challenges to facilitate a secure and trustworthy data exchange between different organizations. Data sovereignty is a key success factor for data-driven business models. In the Industrial Data Space, we provide solutions to realize a secure and trustworthy data exchange as well as data sovereignty.

Rolling Back Surveillance Capitalism

Are we stuck with Surveillance Capitalism? This blog post describes...

Alternatives that keep the amazing wonders that are consumer technologies in 2020, but don’t invade our privacy, don’t spread misinformation, give us back a measure of control over our electronic lives, don’t set us up for manipulation and help rather than hurt our mental health.

Contact-tracing data harvested from pubs and restaurants being sold on

Companies collecting data for pubs and restaurants to help them fulfil their contact-tracing duties are harvesting confidential customer information to sell.

Zadaj pytanie

Business & Government Advanced read

Smart City Challenge

Taltech has opened an idea competition to find research-based solutions targeting urban challenges of local governments. The best ideas will be implemented by them as large-scale pilots together with at least two cities (one has to be from Estonia). One pilot can be allocated with up to 1.5 million euros, the total budget of the challenge is 15 million euros over the next 7 years (first ones funded by the European Regional Fund and the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research).

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Collaborative Aspects of Open Data in Software Engineering

A special issue is coming up in IEEE Software, a practitioner-oriented peer-reviewed magazine, focused on Collaborative aspects of Open Data in Software Engineering: We seek original articles that provide new ideas and insightful experiences that can guide software engineers in the co-development of open data.



7 forward-thinking organisations have pooled their expertise in order to pave the way for responsible Personal data ecosystems. They were awarded the MyData Operator 2020 status representing multiple countries and service types.


7 forward-thinking organisations have pooled their expertise in order to pave the way for responsible Personal data ecosystems. They were awarded the MyData Operator 2020 status representing multiple countries and service types.


7 forward-thinking organisations have pooled their expertise in order to pave the way for responsible Personal data ecosystems. They were awarded the MyData Operator 2020 status representing multiple countries and service types.


7 forward-thinking organisations have pooled their expertise in order to pave the way for responsible Personal data ecosystems. They were awarded the MyData Operator 2020 status representing multiple countries and service types.


7 forward-thinking organisations have pooled their expertise in order to pave the way for responsible Personal data ecosystems. They were awarded the MyData Operator 2020 status representing multiple countries and service types.


7 forward-thinking organisations have pooled their expertise in order to pave the way for responsible Personal data ecosystems. They were awarded the MyData Operator 2020 status representing multiple countries and service types.


7 forward-thinking organisations have pooled their expertise in order to pave the way for responsible Personal data ecosystems. They were awarded the MyData Operator 2020 status representing multiple countries and service types.

MyData Internals

Board and Steering Group

  • Sille put forward a motion to approve 9 new individual and 3 new organizational members
  • Sille reminded that the candidacy form for applying to become a new board member or steering group member (starting from 1 Jan 2021) is open until Monday, Oct 19th (at 11:59 CEST / 23:59 HST)
  • Sarah posted a motion for the Autumn General Meeting (AGM) on Nov 20th to change the bylaws. This bylaw change aims to increase the number of Steering Group members by allowing each "principal" member to have an alternate.
  • Mehdi works on a document about the main steps for the upcoming election process and asks for your feedback.


2354 (13 new)
277 (37 zauważony: academic-research, ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, cities, common_endpoints, communications, community, community-meeting, coronadata, coronavalues, decisions, design, done, economy, event-2020-europe, events-and-meetings, general, health-data, hubs, identity, make-it-happen, media, my-ai, mydata-4-pandemics, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, policy, random, reading, startups, steering-group, strategy, thank-you, tools, transparency, welcome)
4 podziekowali 15

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