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Business & Government Simple read

Is the Five-Day Work Week Dying?

The traditional idea of going to the office five days a week or working 9 to 5 may be dying. Some companies are making room for more creative and flexible approaches to getting workers to do their jobs.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Study Discovers Workers Maintained the Same Productivity With Shorter Work Weeks

Researchers in Iceland conducted two trials of a shorter work week that involved about 2,500 workers. They found that the experiment was an "overwhelming success"— workers were able to work less, get paid the same, while maintaining productivity and improving personal well-being: Participants in the study reduced their hours by three to five hours per week without losing pay.

[Simple] Fired by Bot at Amazon

Contract drivers say algorithms terminate them by email -- even when they have done nothing wrong: Stephen Normandin spent almost four years racing around Phoenix delivering packages as a contract driver for Amazon.com. Then one day, he received an automated email. The algorithms tracking him had decided he wasn't doing his job properly.

[Advanced] Mapping Career Causeways User Guide

Nesta’s Mapping Career Causeways project, supported by J.P. Morgan, applies state-of-the-art data science methods to create an algorithm that recommends job transitions and retraining to workers, with a focus on supporting those at high risk of automation.

The Jobs-to-be-Done Canvas

Helping a product team see a market through a Jobs-to-be-Done lens is often a transformational experience. This training canvas can help.

Zadaj pytanie

Project manger for MyData Europe 2020 event

Changing the world is a tough, but fun job. That’s why we need more people like you on our team! We are looking for Project Manager for #MyData Europe 2020! Send your CV and motivation letter to mydataeurope2020@mydata.org. More Info: https://mydata.org/pm-mydataeurope2020/

Job Operning at noyb.eu

Our partner noyb.eu has a job opening. This is a unique opportunity if you are searching for an impactful position and a great team to work with.

Job opportunity for Finnish speakers in Barcelona

I’m writing from Ipsos Spain, in Barcelona, we’re a market research company and now we’re running a big project in which we need native people from Finland. The project consists in watching Youtube adverts and then classify them according to variables related to the brand, and other creative elements like music, colors, framing of shots, and so on. We need natives because we have ads from Finland that need to be coded.

Wanted: Policy Advisor!

EDRi's Brussels office is looking for a Policy Advisor to support the Policy Team on issues such as platform regulation, cross-border access to data, privacy, data retention, Artificial Intelligence (AI), copyright and data protection.


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