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Data Commons & Data Trust

How do data trusts relate to data commons? When trying to make sense of the many data governance models and data sharing arrangements in existence this question comes up a lot. This article gives some basic insights into the relationship between a data commons and a data trust.
And the author (Anouk Ruhaak) also compiled a comprehensive reading list about the topic of Data Trusts.

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Developers Intermediate read

Exploring collective governance approaches to personal data exchange platforms

Call for participation in research: Participatory data infrastructures such as data platforms could facilitate the collective management, interpretation and use of data aggregates. But what platforms exist to implement such practices? Are you a designer exploring collective governance mechanisms for data use? We would love to hear from you!


DECODE provides tools that put individuals in control of whether they keep their personal data private or share it for the public good.

Layered Schemas

Layered schemas architecture enables semantic interoperability for data capture, processing, and exchange.