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Business & Government Intermediate read

Meta Threatens To Pull Facebook and Instagram From Europe If It Can't Target Ads

Meta states in an SEC filing it is considering leaving Europe if it can no longer exchange data from European users with the United States, following the Schrems II decision. It's customary for regulatory filings to preemptively declare a wide variety of possible future hazards, and in that spirit a recently-filed Meta financial statement cites a ruling by the EU's Court of Justice (in July of 2020) voiding a U.S. law called the Privacy Shield (which Meta calls one legal basis for its current dara-transferring practices).

In the meantime Meta writes that it does not plan to withdraw from Europe.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Decentralized Identity & Government (Video: 56min)

Up until recently, the majority of digital identity systems have been federated, where a small group of “identity providers” supply individuals with a digital identity that can be used to access other websites and services within the federation. Now we’re seeing the shift to decentralized identity solutions and open ecosystems based on verifiable credentials, where anyone can participate, issue, and verify.

Individuals Simple read

TikTok Shares Your Data More Than Any Other Social Media App, Study Says

According to a recent study YouTube and TikTok track users' personal data more than any other social media apps. However, while YouTube mostly collects your personal data for its own purposes to serve you more relevant ads, TikTok mostly allows third-party trackers to collect your data -- "and from there, it's hard to say what happens with it," reports CNBC.

Individuals Simple read

The inventor of the digital cookie has some regrets

When Lou Montulli invented the cookie in 1994, he was a 23-year-old engineer at Netscape, the company that built one of the internet’s first widely used browsers. He was trying to solve a pressing problem on the early web: Websites had lousy memories. Every time a user loaded a new page, a website would treat them like a stranger it had never seen before. That made it impossible to build basic web features we take for granted today, like the shopping carts that follow us from page to page across e-commerce sites.

Within two years, advertisers learned ways to essentially hack cookies to do exactly what Montulli had tried to avoid: follow people around the internet. Eventually, they created the system of cookie-based ad targeting we have today. Twenty-seven years later, Montulli has some misgivings about how his invention has been used—but he has doubts about whether the alternatives will be any better.

Business & Government Advanced read

Datenherrschaft – an Ethically Justified Solution to the Problem of Ownership of Patient Information

A PhD thesis on (health) data ownership: It can be stated that digital information is irremovable part of modern healthcare. However, the legal ownership of patient information lacks a coherent and justified basis. The whole issue itself is actually bypassed by controlling patient information with different laws and regulations how patient information can be used and by whom. Nonetheless, the issue itself – who owns the patient information – is commonly missed or bypassed.

Business & Government Intermediate read

France's Privacy Watchdog Latest To Find Google Analytics Breaches GDPR

Use of Google Analytics has now been found to breach European Union privacy laws in France -- after a similar decision was reached in Austria last month. The French data protection watchdog, the CNIL, said today that an unnamed local website's use of Google Analytics is non-compliant with the bloc's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) -- breaching Article 44 which covers personal data transfers outside the bloc to so-called third countries which are not considered to have essentially equivalent privacy protections. The U.S. fails this critical equivalence test on account of having sweeping surveillance laws which do not provide non-U.S. citizens with any way to know whether their data is being acquired, how it's being used or to seek redress for any misuse.

Individuals Intermediate read

Researchers Warn That Social Media May Be 'Fundamentally at Odds' With Science

A special set of editorials published in today's issue of the journal Science argue that social media in its current form may well be fundamentally broken for the purposes of presenting and disseminating facts and reason. The algorithms are running the show now, they argue, and the systems priorities are unfortunately backwards: "Rules of scientific discourse and the systematic, objective, and transparent evaluation of evidence are fundamentally at odds with the realities of debates in most online spaces." This produces what the authors call "homophilic self-sorting" -- the ones who are shown this content are the ones who are already familiar with it. In other words, they're preaching to the choir.

질문 목록

Business & Government Intermediate read

Atlas of Urban AI - Share Your Local AI Projects

The Global Observatory of Urban AI, the CC4DR’s initiative to guide the ethical implementation of AI in cities, is currently building a repository of AI Projects from cities all around the world, that will be made available for consultation via an online ATLAS. This crowdsourced repository of projects aims to recognise the efforts of automatisation and digitalisation in cities, and become a focus point for researchers, local policymakers, and the public interested in AI.

We are currently gathering the projects that will feed the Atlas, and that is why we would like to ask you to fill this form with your local projects. It will only take you 10 minutes to complete the form (please, fill one form for each project), and your project will be displayed in an online ATLAS alongside other cities’ projects that are implementing AI in a principled and rights-based way.

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