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OwnYourData는 MyData 커뮤니티와 같은 비전을 공유하는 기업으로서 공정하고 지속가능하게 번창하는 디지털 사회를 구현하기 위해 열심히 활동하고 있습니다. OwnYourData 사이트에 기재된 미션문을 읽어보시고 MyData 혁신에 동참해 주시면 좋겠습니다. 문의사항 또는 의견이 있으신 분께서는 언제든지 weekly-digest(at) 로 연락 주시면 적극 도와드리겠습니다.

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[Intermediate] Seeing stones: pandemic reveals Palantir's troubling reach in Europe

Covid has given Peter Thiel’s secretive US tech company new opportunities to operate in Europe in ways some campaigners find worrying.

[Advanced] Sociotechnical Imaginaries of Different Data Futures

This was such a treat to read and was quite interesting to imagine how as MyData community we can envision new imaginaries: "I suggest that these struggles and reactions are openings for thinking about different data futures through what I call an experiment in citizen data. It is an experiment that reconsiders relations between states, citizens and digital technologies in the production of data and statistics by imagining a new political subjectivity, that of the data citizen."

[Simple] 533 million Facebook users' phone numbers and personal data have been leaked online

The exposed data includes the personal information of over 533 million Facebook users from 106 countries, including over 32 million records on users in the US, 11 million on users in the UK, and 6 million on users in India. It includes their phone numbers, Facebook IDs, full names, locations, birthdates, bios, and, in some cases, email addresses.

[Intermediate] Your digital identity has three layers, and you can only protect one of them

Your online profile is less a reflection of you than a caricature. It is shaped by technology companies and advertisers who make key decisions based on their interpretation of seemingly benign data points.

[Intermediate] What’s Really at Stake with Vaccine Passports

What may appear to be temporary public health-related measures could risk embedding permanent digital identity infrastructure that threatens public life.

[Simple] A Day in the Life of Your Data

Apple is sharing a "A Day in the Life of Your Data" document that details how third-party companies can track user data across websites and apps.

MyData 내부

Board and Steering Committee

  • Jogi made a proposal for minor revisions to the MyData strategy
  • Teemu informed about the upcoming MyData Global Spring General Meeting held online on May 6th at 13.30 UTC (no prior registration is needed, link and password to join the Zoom call will be sent to all members before the meeting)


Recurring calls:

Other postings:

2602 (4 new)
123 (58 모니터링된 채널: academic-research, ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, business-models, cases, cities, clubhouse, common_endpoints, communications, community, community-meeting, conference-programme, coronadata, data_literacy, data-monetisation, data-portability, decentralised-identity, decisions, declaration, design, diversity, events-and-meetings, funding-opportunities, fundraising, general, general-meeting, gig-work, health-data, hubs, leadership-elections, membership, mobility, mydata-4-pandemics, mydata-academy, mydata-dictionary, myddata-jobs, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, mydata4children, ourdata, policy, random, reading, skillsdata, slack-help, spending, startups, steering-committee, strategy, tech, thank-you, thematic-groups, tools, transparency, twitter, website-feedback, welcome)
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