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Making data portability more effective for the digital economy

This report by the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) provides recommendations on how to make personal data portability more effective. The authors warn that the current legal framework requires clarifications to better empower European citizens in a data-driven society.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Espoo’s use of data gets a boost from the government

The Ministry of Finance has granted Helsinki, Espoo, Turku and Oulu slightly over EUR 2 million as funding for MyData projects. Espoo’s share of the funding is EUR 150,000. The aim is to improve the cities’ technical capabilities, enabling them to use residents’ data while ensuring the protection of individuals and data security. Residents’ data refers to data that is collected from the residents through the city’s systems as the residents use the city’s services.

SwissCovid: a critical analysis of risk assessment by Swiss authorities

Paul-Olivier wrote a paper outlining the privacy and security risks associated to the Google/Apple Exposure Notification API. This is very Swiss centric but applicable to many different countries of course.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Iconified Representations of PrivacyPolicies: A GDPR Perspective

Privacy policies inform on personal data collection and processing practices, allowing people to make informed decisions about agiven service. However, they are difficult to understand due to theirlength and use of legal terminology. To address this issue, regulatory bod-ies propose the use of graphical representations for privacy policies. Thispaper reviews the development of current graphical and iconified repre-sentations for privacy policies

UK virus-tracing app switches to Google-Apple model

The Apple-Google design has been promoted as being more privacy-centric.


Check out TFP on Product Hunt - it lets the user scan their social media posts and clean them up and is built on the platform with Private Sharing

MyData コミュニティからの情報


  • Sarah さんからの告知: ハブの承認プロセスは、SGMのメンバーによってハブの内部規則が承認されるとすぐに再開されます。

  • Jogi さん はMyData Operators Thematic Group 宣言書を準備し、該当宣言書が6月25日に開催される次の理事会で承認予定です。


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