
[Advanced] Privacy Without Monopoly: Data Protection and Interoperability

The problems of corporate concentration and privacy on the Internet are inextricably linked. A new regime of interoperability can revitalize competition in the space, encourage innovation, and give users more agency over their data; it may also create new risks to user privacy and data security. This paper considers those risks and argues that they are outweighed by the benefits. New interoperability, done correctly, will not just foster competition, it can be a net benefit for user privacy rights.

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Atlas of Surveillance

A crowdsourced effort between the EFF and the University of Nevada, Reno, resulted in a nationwide map of police surveillance tactics: ‘Atlas of Surveillance’ now provides a searchable, interactive database of police surveillance.

Atlas of Surveillance

EFFとネバダ大学の間でクラウドソーシングされた取り組みの結果、警察の監視戦術を可視化する全国地図が作成されました。「Atlas of Surveillance」は、検索可能でインタラクティブな警察の監視データベースを提供するようになりました。

Adversarial Interoperability: Reviving an Elegant Weapon From a More Civilized Age to Slay Today's Monopolies

Today, Apple is one of the largest, most profitable companies on Earth, but in the early 2000s, the company was fighting for its life. Microsoft's Windows operating system was ascendant, and Microsoft leveraged its dominance to ensure that every Windows user relied on its Microsoft Office suite.