Köszöntünk a MyData Weekly Digest híroldalon, amely elkötelezetten törekszik arra, hogy minőségi híreket szolgáltasson a személyes adatok kezelésének emberközpontú megközelítéséről. A híreket elsősorban az (angol nyelvű) MyData Global Slack Channel -ről gyűjtjük 2019 júniusa óta. A bejegyzések és a hozzászólások a feltüntetett felhasználó tulajdonát képezik. A MyData a jelenlegi gyakorlattól eltérő elképzelés a személyes adatok etikus felhasználásáról. Erre épülő mozgalom és közösség, valamint egy globális nonprofit szervezet is egyben. További információ itt található: mydata.org

Az OwnYourData és a MyData közösség ugyanazokat az értékeket képviseli az igazságos, fenntartható és virágzó digitális társadalommal kapcsolatban. További információ a OwnYourData Mission Statement oldalon található. Kérjük, támogasd a MyData mozgalomat! Amennyiben bármilyen javaslatod van, lépj velünk kapcsolatba az weekly-digest(at)ownyourdata.eu címen.

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Noteworthy Information

Looking Beyond Privacy: The Importance of Economic Rights to Our Data

Some interesting thoughts about the role of the US and China vs. other 'stronger developing countries' in respect to the use and ownership of data from an Indian point of view.

Individuals Intermediate read

Building Collective Momentum to Challenge the Ad Tech Industry

This story is the first of a series on how civil society organisations and activists are using the GDPR (and similar data protection legislation) to advance rights and strengthen their work.

Stop Surveillance Humanitarianism

Requiring biometric data, like iris and facial scans, sets a dangerous precedent for vital aid.

Clouded data: Privacy and the promiseof encryption

Interesting paper highlighting the different reconfiguration of the notion of privacy taking place under various technical schemes: blockchain, multiparty computation, fully homomorphic encryption, differential privacy

Overview for Q2 membership fee sharing

An overview about the membership fee sharing for the individual hubs. Read more about Financial guidelines for Initiatives here.

Artificial Intelligence Governance and Ethics: Global Perspectives

AI is increasingly being embedded in our lives, supplementing our pervasive use of digital technologies. But this is being accompanied by disquiet over problematic and dangerous implementations of AI, or indeed, even AI itself deciding to do dangerous and problematic actions, especially in fields such as the military, medicine and criminal justice.

Our Data Future

Privacy International discusses data futures, and encourages people to join their local MyData hub.

Information Bank: Ryosuke Shibasaki at TEDxTokyo

Found this TEDxTokyo talk from 2012 where Prof. Ryosuke Shibasaki pitches an information bank (same exact idea as a MyData operator).

Questions Asked

Would it be beneficial to the MyData community to develop a Collaborative Documentation Site?

After reading this article from the NY Times Sille asked: Although using GDocs or not, is a totally separate question, while we still do… would it be beneficial to the MyData community to develop something similar for us based on the Library source?

Calling all MyData Startups

Calling all MyData startups: If you work for one, or if you know of an interesting startup company that follows MyData principles (regardless of whether they are a member or not), can you tell us about them?


Universal Resolver

Universal Resolver implementation and drivers.


Open Source PDS server software

MyData Internals

This week I participated in a highly interesting community call with a special focus on Personal Data Trust Banks and I'm looking forward to learn more about this exciting initiative at the MyData conference! Work on the Case Library continues and since there were no Apps & Services mentioned this week in the channels I'll start now to introduce some tools that I think are worth mentioning. Please feel free to write me also your suggestions at mdwd(at)ownyourdata.eu!

1320 (6 new)
184 (20 monitored: community, conference-2019, conference-programme, decisions, economy, general, hub-initiators, ihan, make-it-happen, media, my-ai, mydata-volunteers, mydata-wild-ideas, new-digital-rights, reading, startups, thank-you, tools, visionofsuccess2022, welcome)
4 thanked 21

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