Bienvenue sur le MyData Weekly Digest, site d’actus sur la gestion des données personnelles, et notamment dans une approche “Human Centric” . Nous fournissons des informations récupérées principalement sur le MyData Global Slack Channel depuis juin 2019. Les publications et commentaires appartiennent à l'utilisateur de chaque entrée. MyData est à la fois une idée et une vision éthique de la donnée personnelle. C’est aussi un mouvement et une communauté, et une organisation mondiale à but non lucratif. En savoir plus ici:

OwnYourData et la communauté MyData partagent les mêmes valeurs pour une société numérique juste, durable et prospère. Voir la Déclaration de mission OwnYourData pour plus d'informations, voir supporter le mouvement MyData. Si vous avez des suggestions, n’hésitez pas à me contacter à weekly-digest(at)

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Information importante

[Intermediate] Should data-trade be prohibited?

A Kialo debate: Many companies now trade data they collect trough their services, or build services partly on data they bought from other companies. This raises questions about the users' privacy.

[Simple] Nextcloud health app doesn’t sell your data

There is a whole wave of new apps becoming available that can store your electronic health records from hospitals or doctors. As health data is easy to monetize, these apps tend to be “free” for users – insurance companies are happy to pay for it. The Kailona app is here to offer a real alternative. It supports the standards used by doctors and hospitals to exchange data, and gives you the ability to decide who to give access, to what and for how long.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Trust Services for Children in Europe

Electronic Identification and Trust Services for Children in Europe. Creating a safer digital world for children throughout the European Union.

[Simple] The Battle for AI Startups Will Change Privacy as We Know It

A bird’s-eye view of the corporate topography reveals that, even aside from the big tech titans, more and more companies are acquiring talented AI teams at ever faster rates. Not all AI applications are treated equally, however, and what’s telling is the data on the type of technology that’s being bought in these acquisitions, as it offers a window into how AI might significantly change certain industries in the coming years.

[Advanced] The future of the European data economy at stake

This working paper is intended to stimulate discussion on matters requiring closer investigation when developing the European data economy in the years to come. We want to challenge societal actors and companies to a common debate on the construction of a management model that is fair to all.

[Intermediate] New “ad-hoc working group” on vaccine passports starts work – in secret

Discussions amongst EU member states on how to approach plans for digital vaccination certificates are taking place in a new "ad-hoc working group", a format that is not likely to foster transparency - particularly given that the group has said it will not be keeping "minutes as such".

Questions posées

[Advanced] Latin American edition of the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference

The CPDP LatAm 2021 edition focuses on data protection in Latin America and its relationship with the themes of democracy, innovation and regulation. The event will serve as a platform to foster the discussion and elaboration of solutions regarding the issues raised by legislative productions, business and government practices, new concepts, recent events and much more.

MyData interne

Board and Steering Committee


Recurring calls:

Other postings:

Job openings:

2626 (11 new)
121 (58 monitoré: academic-research, ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, business-models, cases, cities, clubhouse, common_endpoints, communications, community, community-meeting, conference-programme, coronadata, data_literacy, data-monetisation, data-portability, decentralised-identity, decisions, declaration, design, diversity, events-and-meetings, funding-opportunities, fundraising, general, general-meeting, gig-work, health-data, hubs, leadership-elections, membership, mobility, mydata-4-pandemics, mydata-academy, mydata-dictionary, myddata-jobs, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, mydata4children, ourdata, policy, random, reading, skillsdata, slack-help, spending, startups, steering-committee, strategy, tech, thank-you, thematic-groups, tools, transparency, twitter, website-feedback, welcome)
4 remercié 2

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