Bienvenue sur le MyData Weekly Digest, site d’actus sur la gestion des données personnelles, et notamment dans une approche “Human Centric” . Nous fournissons des informations récupérées principalement sur le MyData Global Slack Channel depuis juin 2019. Les publications et commentaires appartiennent à l'utilisateur de chaque entrée. MyData est à la fois une idée et une vision éthique de la donnée personnelle. C’est aussi un mouvement et une communauté, et une organisation mondiale à but non lucratif. En savoir plus ici:

OwnYourData et la communauté MyData partagent les mêmes valeurs pour une société numérique juste, durable et prospère. Voir la Déclaration de mission OwnYourData pour plus d'informations, voir supporter le mouvement MyData. Si vous avez des suggestions, n’hésitez pas à me contacter à weekly-digest(at)

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Information importante

[Simple] Covid: The countries that nailed it, and what we can learn from them

Covid-19 has shaken the world, with more than 2.5 million deaths and 115 million cases confirmed. This article collects the best examples of strategies for combating the virus.

[Advanced] Ownership of User-Held Data: Why Property Law Is the Right Approach

Without any doubt, there are so many aspects and different dimensions to Data Ownership. To clarify some of the points, we wrote a paper on personal data ownership. Hopefully, it contributes to the debate.

Developers Intermediate read

Urban Mobility Operating System

An EU funded 24-month project developing a service platform that lifts the barriers between different mobility solutions and ecosystems.

[Intermediate] What COVID-19 testing will look like in a post-vaccine world (Video: 42min)

Too many groups put digital business ahead of public health: Axios hosted a virtual event on what COVID-19 testing will look like in a post-vaccine world, featuring conversations with Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health Dr. Michael Mina, Johns Hopkins senior scholar Dr. Jennifer Nuzzo, and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota Dr. Michael Osterholm.

[Simple] What a Gambling App Knows About You

Sky Bet, the most popular gambling app in Britain, compiled extensive records about a user, tracking him in ways he never imagined.

[Simple] What a Gambling App Knows About You

Sky Bet, the most popular gambling app in Britain, compiled extensive records about a user, tracking him in ways he never imagined.

Questions posées

[Advanced] Advisory Forum of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

The Commission is launching a selection procedure to appoint the representatives of non-governmental organisation representing patients, professional bodies or academia to the Advisory Forum of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).



I've been working on a Mobile App, Rita, that gives users data ownership. Rita allows users to collect, view and control their data.

MyData interne

Board and Steering Committee


Recurring calls:

Other postings:

2589 (3 new)
125 (56 monitoré: academic-research, ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, cases, cities, clubhouse, common_endpoints, communications, community, community-meeting, conference-programme, coronadata, data_literacy, data-portability, decentralised-identity, decisions, declaration, design, diversity, events-and-meetings, funding-opportunities, fundraising, general, general-meeting, gig-work, health-data, hubs, leadership-elections, membership, mobility, mydata-4-pandemics, mydata-academy, mydata-dictionary, myddata-jobs, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, mydata4children, ourdata, policy, random, reading, skillsdata, slack-help, spending, startups, steering-group, strategy, tech, thank-you, thematic-groups, tools, transparency, twitter, website-feedback, welcome)
7 remercié 7

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