Information importante

Developers Intermediate read

12 ways a human-centric approach to data can improve the world

In the era of data abundance, it’s easy to think of these bytes as a panacea but without the right systems in place, we cannot realize the full potential of data to advance a sustainable, equitable and inclusive future.

[Intermediate] Future of Vulnerability: Humanity in the Digital Age

The report is looking at how data and technology are shaping the future of vulnerability, particularly through new forms of inequality, intrusion and insecurity. It calls for civil society, technologists and leaders across sectors and community to come together to develop and promote ‘humanity first’ approaches to frontier technologies.

A blockchain-based framework for electronic medical records sharing with fine-grained access control

Good job Wuhan University. It is great to see Chinese engineers working on personal data related platform. However, needed one extra step to become more human-centric. The patient should have the full control not the doctor.

Core public utility technologies for a “Next Generation” Internet

True interoperability in Decentrailized Identifier?
Sam Smith presents KERI as an important breakthrough for verifiable data inputs, bringing with it the promise of one DID method for all signed inputs in a digital network.

Is our attention for sale?

A handful of executives control the 'attention economy'. Time for attentive resistance

People-Centered (Not Tech-Driven) Design

Technology driven design usually fails. Examples are given to support why people-centered design is inevitable.

Shifting paradigm from SEAM to HAACS

Richard Whitt describes the need to shift from a paradigm of SEAM (surveil, extract, analyse, manipulate) to one of the HAACS (Human autonomy/agency via computer system)

The Internet of Bodies is here. This is how it will change our lives

Smart thermometers, digital pills: the Internet of Bodies connects and analyses our health data. Here's what we must do to make the technology work for us.

Business & Government Simple read

People First: A Vision for the Global Urban Age

The People-first vision is a new perspective to how cities can govern and benefit from digital technologies in the global urban age, by developing people’s rights and technologies in harmony.

A Human-Centric Digital Manifesto for Europe

The digital revolution is radically changing every aspect of human life in the 21st century and it’s essential that regulators address the challenges this transformation brings. The new European Commission should look beyond digital single market issues, and focus on creating new rights-based policies and regulations based on freedom, democracy, equality, and rule of law to ensure that existing offline rights are protected online.