Interessante Informationen

Business & Government Intermediate read

Fórum Internacional de Soberania de Dados 2021 (Vídeo, 3h44min)

A gravação do Fórum de Soberania de Dados na Coréia com o tema: Criando o mundo justo de dados juntos. Mais informações podem ser vistas no site oficial aqui.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Data Sovereignty International Forum 2021 (Video, 3:44 hours)

The recording of Korea's Data Sovereignty Forum with the topic: Making the Fair Data World Together. Find more information on the official website here.

Reimagining the Social Security Number

The optional nine-digit social security number (SSN) is at the core of every American’s administrative identity — and it is also a major attack vector for most kinds of financial fraud.

Reimaginando o número da previdência social

O número opcional de previdência social (SSN) de nove dígitos está no cerne da identidade administrativa de cada americano - e também é um importante vetor de ataque para a maioria dos tipos de fraude financeira.

Business & Government Intermediate read

The Secretive Company That Might End Privacy as We Know It

A little-known start-up helps law enforcement match photos of unknown people to their online images — and “might lead to a dystopian future or something,” a backer says.

Gestellte Fragen

Individuals Simple read

Questão: Eleições MyData Global

Se você tem interesse em trabalhar no Conselho ou no Comitê de Direção, por favor acesse para submeter sua aplicação! Por favor tenha em mente que o formulário de aplicação fechará no dia 20 de setembro!

Individuals Simple read

MyData Global Elections

If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors or on the Steering Committee, please visit to submit your application! Please keep in mind that the application form will close on September 20!

Cost for Developing a Personal Data Store

I have been asked to find out what the cost would be to hire developers to create a personal data store.

How to keep track of local hub members?

I am just wondering, does each hub keep a list of their members? I am assuming that being a MyData Global member is a pre-requisite to being a hub member, which would mean there are members in our #hub-korea channel that are not officially recognized as members by MyData Global.
Are there any guidelines on where to draw the line between active members as opposed to “observers” for local hubs?


Check out the MyDataShare API! This API spec defines operations for Organizations (OPs) to manage a registry of Data Providers, Data Consumers, and Processing Records.