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Amazon busca aumentar os pagamentos através da biometria com oferta promocional

O sistema de pagamentos da Amazon está sendo utilizado em 50 localidades nos EUA, e a empresa está buscando aumentar a clientela oferencendo um crédito de 10 dólares como incentivo.

[Intermediate] Amazon Looks to Ramp Up Biometric Payments With Promotional Offer

Amazon’s naked payments system is now being used at 50 locations in the US, and the company is looking to get more customers signed up by offering a $10 credit incentive.

The company first unveiled the Amazon One last autumn. It’s essentially a payment terminal with a built-in biometric palm scanner. A customer who links a payment account to their palm biometrics can make a purchase simply by waving their hand over the device.

Onboarding biométrico para a identidade digital da Apple

O futuro recurso de MobileID do iPhone utilizará biometria de selfies para verificar a identidade do usuário, aponta o código descoberto por 9to5Mac. A notícia indica que a Apple estará em competição ainda mais direta com outros grandes pioneiros de soluções para identidades digitais em celulares.

O recurso de MobileID foi anunciado pela Apple durante a Worldwide Developer Conference reaizada em junho deste ano, quando a empresa revelou que planejava permitir que os usuários do iPhone adicionassem versões virtuais de suas carteiras de motoristas ao aplicativo Apple Wallet depois que o sistema operacional iOS 15 fosse lançado. A empresa também indicou que está trabalhando com as autoridades da área de transportes para conseguir uma aprovação do uso da identidade virtual como um documento oficial em aeroportos. The mobile ID feature was first announced by Apple during its Worldwide Developer Conference in June of this year, when the company revealed that it planned to let iPhone users add virtual versions of their driver’s licenses to the Apple Wallet app after the iOS 15 operating system is launched. The company also indicated that it’s working with the Transportation Security Administration to get the virtual ID approved for use as an official identity document at airports.

Developers Intermediate read

Biometric Onboarding for Apple’s Mobile ID

The iPhone’s incoming mobile ID feature will use selfie biometrics for identity verification, suggests code uncovered by 9to5Mac. The news indicates that Apple will be even more directly in competition with other major pioneers of mobile ID solutions.

The mobile ID feature was first announced by Apple during its Worldwide Developer Conference in June of this year, when the company revealed that it planned to let iPhone users add virtual versions of their driver’s licenses to the Apple Wallet app after the iOS 15 operating system is launched. The company also indicated that it’s working with the Transportation Security Administration to get the virtual ID approved for use as an official identity document at airports.