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Individuals Simple read

Data Brokers Know Where You Are—and Want to Sell That Intel

From location tracking to federal law: These firms could track whether you've visited your therapist's office or your ex's house. And without regulation, they're a threat to democracy.

Developers Advanced read

JSON Abstract Data Notation v1.0

OASIS is pleased to announce that Specification for JSON Abstract Data Notation Version 1.0 from the OASIS Open Command and Control (OpenC2) TC [1] has been approved as an OASIS Committee Specification.
JSON Abstract Data Notation (JADN) is an information modeling language. It has several purposes including defining data structures, validating data instances, informing user interfaces working with structured data, and facilitating protocol internationalization.

Business & Government Intermediate read

The Dutch DPA issues recommendations for smart cities (PDF, 41 pages)

The Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) has issued recommendations regarding the development of ‘smart city applications’. The recommendations are intended for municipalities which collect or intend to collect data in public spaces using smart sensors and measuring devices.

Developers Advanced read

Privacy & Identity protection in mobile Driving License ecosystems (PDF, 51 pages)

The non-profit Kantara Initiative association has released a report addressing concerns about digital identity and privacy concerning mobile drivers’ licenses.

Individuals Simple read

UK To Overhaul Privacy Rules in Post-Brexit Departure From GDPR

Britain will attempt to move away from European data protection regulations as it overhauls its privacy rules after Brexit, the government has announced.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence for Health (PDF, 165 pages)

The report identifies the ethical challenges and risks with the use of artificial intelligence of health, six consensus principles to ensure AI works to the public benefit of all countries. It also contains a set of recommendations that can ensure the governance of artificial intelligence for health maximizes the promise of the technology and holds all stakeholders – in the public and private sector – accountable and responsive to the healthcare workers who will rely on these technologies and the communities and individuals whose health will be affected by its use.

Business & Government Simple read

The Taliban, Not the West, Won Afghanistan's Technological War

The US-led coalition had more firepower, more equipment, and more money. But it was the Taliban that gained most from technological progress.


Developers Intermediate read

Exploring collective governance approaches to personal data exchange platforms

Call for participation in research: Participatory data infrastructures such as data platforms could facilitate the collective management, interpretation and use of data aggregates. But what platforms exist to implement such practices? Are you a designer exploring collective governance mechanisms for data use? We would love to hear from you!

Developers Advanced read

Data Collection Research Grant 2021

If you are planning on carrying out innovative and impactful research in the 2021-2022 academic year then apply for the new SurveyCTO Data Collection Research Grant: This grant is available to research graduates from all across the world. Your application will be assessed on the potential impact of your research, whether you are taking an innovative approach to data collection, and the feasibility of your study.


AI Ethics: Global Perspectives

Kan Suzuki apresentou uma palestra sobre AI e o Futuro da Educação, parte do curso online gratuito do GovLab AI Ethics: Global Perspectives. A palestra é baseada na idéia de que "há uma necessidade urgente de reformar os sistemas educacionais em todo o mundo para desenvolver capacidades de recursos humanos que possam enfrentar com sucesso os riscos e oportunidades associados aos avanços nas tecnologias de IA".


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