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[Advanced] Everyone wants to do the model work, not the data work

A paper from Google Research: AI models are increasingly applied in high-stakes domains likehealth and conservation. Data quality carries an elevated signifi-cance in high-stakes AI due to its heightened downstream impact,impacting predictions like cancer detection, wildlife poaching, andloan allocations. Paradoxically, data is the most under-valued andde-glamorised aspect of AI.

Business & Government Simple read

Politico Newsletter: Helsinki wants to be Europe’s smartest

In 2020, Helsinki was ranked the world’s second smartest city, after Singapore, and won a top design prize for creating a “digital twin” or a computer model of the newly built neighborhood Kalasatama, in central Helsinki. So what makes Helsinki “smart”?

[Intermediate] 10 Design Considerations for Vaccine Credentials

This blog post describes ten separable concerns for COVID-19 vaccine credentials, and responsive design strategies.

[Simple] So Much Data - Where Are Our Intelligent Apps? (Video: 50:15min)

A recording of a webinar hosted by Prifina: More data should lead to more intelligence apps. How can brands, developers, entrepreneurs create new tools for personal data?


[Advanced] Open consultation on the European Health Data Space

The European Commission published the open consultation on the European Health Data Space (EHDS) - an important building block of the European Health Union. The EHDS aims to make full use of digital health to provide high-quality healthcare and reduce inequalities. It will promote access to health data for prevention, diagnosis and treatment, research and innovation, as well as for policy-making and legislation. The EHDS will place individuals' rights to control their own personal health data at its core. The consultation will remain open for responses until 26 July 2021.



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Board and Steering Committee

  • Teemu posted the updated MyData Global financial statement 2020 with feedback from the auditors incorporated


Recurring calls:

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