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Human rights in the digital age

Keynote speech by Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights at Japan Society, New York, 17 October 2019

The digital revolution is a major global human rights issue. Its unquestionable benefits do not cancel out its unmistakable risks.

Personal Data Ownership: Economic Considerations

With this article Paul Jurcys continues to dive deeper into personal data ‘ownership’ topic.

  • What data is most valuable to you?
  • What segments of your data would you prefer to keep anonymous?
  • What segments of your personal data would you be willing to share with third parties?

Decentralized identity explained (Video: 3:14min)

This is the best explainer for SSI that I have seen to date.

MyData White Paper - 3rd, revised edition (PDF)

A new English version of the MyData white paper was published! The last white paper in English was released 5years ago, and it was about time to package all the everevolving MyData's thinking and doing into a new paper.
Congratulations to everybody who contributed to this work, and thank you Viivi Lähteenoja and the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Finland for making this happen.

Draft Consumer Privacy Framework for Health Data

The eHealth Initiative & Foundation (eHI) and the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) released A Draft Consumer Privacy Framework for Health Data. The Framework includes a description of the health data that warrant protection, as well as the standards and rules that should govern them.
Note that the Draft does not say whether the Framework will be CC-licensed so that un-audited community open source and non-commercial entities could still use it as a voluntary assertion without paying for the certification audits.


Board and Steering Group

  • Teemu created a video briefing for the August board meeting
  • Paul-Olivier informed as treasurer that the financial baseline has increased to € 20k (link to financial policy)
  • Sille put forward a motion to approve 1 new member (some issues with WordPress and plugin updates led to problems with accepting applications for some time; additionally, the process was changed to “pay first, approval then”)
  • Teemu asked to set the date&time for the extraordinary general meeting to Tuesday September 29 9AM CET - which was already approved


2274 (8 new)
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