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欢迎来到MyData Weekly Digest,这是一个以人为中心的,提供个人数据治理相关的行业资讯网站。自2019年6月起,本网站每周会发布摘自MyData Global Slack Channel中讨论的热点话题贴文和资讯。这些贴文和评论的版权属于其发布者本人。MyData是一个倡导道德的使用个人数据的理念和愿景。不仅如此,它也是一项倡议、一个社区和一个非营利性组织。如果您想了解更多关于MyData的资讯,请浏览以下网站mydata.org。
OwnYourData是一个非营利性虚拟社区,其和MyData社区拥有相同的价值观,均致力于建立一个公平的、可持续发展的数字社会。如果您想了解更多关于OwnYourData的理念,请参阅OwnYourData Mission Statement。如果您认同我们的理念,也欢迎加入MyData社区参与讨论,并支持这项倡议。如果您有任何问题和建议,请邮件联系我们。 << 显示较少
Keynote speech by Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights at Japan Society, New York, 17 October 2019
The digital revolution is a major global human rights issue. Its unquestionable benefits do not cancel out its unmistakable risks.
With this article Paul Jurcys continues to dive deeper into personal data ‘ownership’ topic.
This is the best explainer for SSI that I have seen to date.
A new English version of the MyData white paper was published! The last white paper in English was released 5years ago, and it was about time to package all the everevolving MyData's thinking and doing into a new paper. Congratulations to everybody who contributed to this work, and thank you Viivi Lähteenoja and the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Finland for making this happen.
The eHealth Initiative & Foundation (eHI) and the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) released A Draft Consumer Privacy Framework for Health Data. The Framework includes a description of the health data that warrant protection, as well as the standards and rules that should govern them. Note that the Draft does not say whether the Framework will be CC-licensed so that un-audited community open source and non-commercial entities could still use it as a voluntary assertion without paying for the certification audits.
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