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Minnesota is now using contact tracing to track protestors

Minnesota officials say they’re using contact tracing to better understand who the protestors are and where they’re coming from.

A New Version Of Amazon’s “Press Release” Approach To Plan Customer-Centric Projects

The Future Press Release process helps teams envision what that end goal might look like, clearly define success in a customer-centric way and begin to consider some of the collaboration challenges they’ll need to overcome to be successful.


Volunteer Mentors for the Open Bridge Project

We are looking for some volunteer mentors for the Open Bridge Project, an online platform for beginners interested in open movement, if you are interested, visit: https://openbridgebeta.wordpress.com/mentor/



We are glad to share that iGrant.io is recognized as among the top50 nordic companies by Techarenan.


Futurice webinar on how to give employees agency how their data (from internal tools ranging from Slack, Drive, timekeeping, etc).


Add and vote up suggestions for Liberty. Equality. Data.


Board & Steering Group


#coronadata MyData is active in the digital response to COVID19 pandemic

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