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The YouTubers Union Is Not Messing Around

The move is one of the most significant organized labor actions taken by creators on the platform, and puts some actual union power behind what has thus far been a nascent and disorganized movement.

A MyData Eco-system View

I was thinking about the many different components required to create a data eco-system that genuinely enables individuals and came up with the diagram described on my blog.

Tech Killed Privacy: Can Policy Save it?

Governments need to start treating people like citizens, not consumers, and enact laws that protect citizens’ rights to privacy over a business’ right to profits.

Apple joins Google, Facebook, and Twitter in data-sharing project

The Data Transfer Project wants to make it easy to move data between services but be sure to read comments from Paul-Olivier Dehaye and Lasse Rouhiainen on the data-sharing project as well!


Comment on the human rights impacts of algorithmic systems

The Steering Committee on Media and Information Society (CDMSI) invites comments from the public on one draft text that was prepared by one of its sub-ordinate bodies and is meant to be adopted by the Committee of Ministers in early 2020. The draft recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the human rights impacts of algorithmic systems was prepared by the Committee of Experts on Human Rights Dimensions of Automated Data Processing and Different Forms of Artificial Intelligence (MSI-AUT). The experts will meet again in September to review all comments received and to finalise the draft ahead of its review by the CDMSI in December. Comments should be provided through email.


The Global Data Management Community

Wondering if any MyData members also participate in the following community? It might be great to spread our ideas to them.


What are your main problems about Whaller? Is anybody else having some? Would be great to have your contributions on the subjects that matter the most to you ! We would love to have maximum of content by our first deadline 21st of August!


There were still a number of discussions about the release of The Great Hack. @Paul-Olivier Dehaye in particular reported on his interview on RT.com and a blog post was created to join the conversation.

1348 (18 new)
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