
[Intermediate] Colorado Passes Privacy Bill

The Colorado Legislature recently passed the Colorado Privacy Act (“ColoPA”), joining Virginia and California as states with comprehensive privacy legislation. The good news is that, in broad terms, ColoPA generally does not impose significant new requirements that aren’t addressed under the CCPA or VCDPA.

Amazon: packages move lightning fast; CCPA electrons take months

Requested my personal data from Amazon under the California Consumer Privacy Act. The company that can get me toilet paper within 2 hours takes a month to send me a zip file?


Business & Government Advanced read

Call for Proposals: Comparing Effects and Responses to GDPR and CCPA

The Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity at UC Berkeley is hosting an interdisciplinary workshop on July 30, 2021 to examine and compare how firms and consumers have responded to the E.U.’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA). This RFP seeks proposals to conduct scholarly inquiry into these topics to inform the workshop and, more broadly, to build the body of scientific knowledge foundational to these issues. Selected proposals will be invited to present and discuss their research-in-progress at the workshop.