World’s largest events use Brella to help attendees meet the people they want to meet.
Sector: not available
Process: not available
Other: #community
similar tools: Discourse, g0v, Mesensei, Modular, Think & Do Tank, The Global Data Management Community
I just checked the Terms of Use on Brella's website. Instead of providing the Privacy Policy, they changed the term 'Privacy Policy' to 'Privacy Notice'. Seriously??? Is this the way they want to solve the problem? I'm deeply disappointed.
The board would like to meet and interact with the community, discuss the future, celebrate the successes and hear the concerns - let's make it possible through networking get together, networking app Brella and the MyData booth at the conference.
Send us a link about Brella mentioned in the media
available since: unknown
last update: September 17th, 2019
MyData membership: unknown
License: unknown
information provided by Christoph Fabianek request to edit this Brella entry
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