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Godna uwagi informacje

Inrupt releases first commercial offering

Inrupt, the startup from World Wide Web founder Tim Berners-Lee, announced an enterprise version of the Solid privacy platform today, which allows large organizations and governments to build applications that put users in control of their data.

What can Silicon Valley expect from Joe Biden?

The president-elect has hired both Jessica Hertz, former associate general counsel at Facebook, and Cynthia Hogan, former Apple vice-president for government affairs, to his transition team. Eric Schmidt, the former Google chief executive, has been a big fundraiser, and is being talked about to lead a new technology industry task force in the White House.

Build trust in digital health

The rapid rollout of digital health approaches in the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic has neglected to prioritize data privacy and is a missed opportunity for building users’ trust in these technologies for future outbreaks and quotidian healthcare.

And here another paper: "Patient trust must come at the top of researchers’ priority list"

EU switches on cross-border interoperability for first batch of COVID-19 contacts tracing apps

National apps whose backends are now linked through the gateway service are Germany’s Corona-Warn-App, the Republic of Ireland’s COVID tracker, and Italy’s Immuni app.

Data Feminism

Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein spoke with Fernanda Viégas and Martin Wattenberg about their new book, Data Feminism.

Key insights from the leaked EU Data Governance Act

Leaked copy of the European Commission’s Data Governance Act reveals key insights into how the Commission will seek to implement its European Strategy for Data.

Welcome Back to the Office. Please Wear This Tracking Device.

A boom in contact tracing devices could herald a new era of worker surveillance.

Health Data Sharing to Support Better Outcomes

This Special Publication outlines a number of potentially valuable policy changes and actions that will help drive toward effective, efficient, and ethical data sharing, including more compelling and widespread communication efforts to improve awareness, understanding, and participation in data sharing.

FAIR Principles

In 2016, the ‘FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship’ were published in Scientific Data. The authors intended to provide guidelines to improve the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse of digital assets.

“Data Trusts” Could Be the Key to Better AI

One of the challenges in developing AI applications is obtaining the vast amount of data that’s required. Making matters worse, regulations and privacy issues pose obstacles to firms’ sharing their data. A possible solution is for firms to form a “data trust.” that serves as a fiduciary for the data providers and governs their data’s proper use. Willis Towers Watson recently piloted a data trust together with several of its clients. This article shared what they learned about how to create such a trust.



I recently came across Research Object Crate and I think there work is quite interesting in regard to providing data and metadata (could be relevant for the Schema / MyData Dictionary discussion)


I just wanted to let everyone know about our free self-sovereign app that allows people to know COVID risk and pandemic recovery. We have created optional tracking in COVID, Mental Health, Financial, and Environment and allow people to connect up to a database of resources that will offer help in those areas.

MyData Internals

Board and Steering Group


Disclaimer: I'm also a candidate in the current MyData election process

  • Profiles of the candidates for leadership positions: Google Slides
  • find all postings from the candidates in the Slack #leadership-elections channel here
  • elections will open this Friday Nov 20th 12:45pm UTC and will last 72 hours until Monday Nov 23rd 12:45pm UTC; results are planned to be available on Monday Nov 23rd at 2pm UTC - more details here

Please participate in this years election and vote!

2398 (12 new)
280 (37 zauważony: academic-research, ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, cities, common_endpoints, communications, community, community-meeting, coronadata, coronavalues, decisions, design, done, economy, event-2020-europe, events-and-meetings, general, health-data, hubs, identity, make-it-happen, media, my-ai, mydata-4-pandemics, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, policy, random, reading, startups, steering-group, strategy, thank-you, tools, transparency, welcome)
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