Witamy w MyData Weekly Digest, serwisie informacyjnym poświęconym tworzeniu najlepszych relacji z podejścia skoncentrowanego na człowieku w zarządzaniu danymi osobowymi. Zawiera informacje pobierane głównie z MyData Global Slack Channel od Czerwca 2019 r. Wpisy i komentarze są własnością odpowiedniego użytkownika podanego przy każdym wpisie. MyData to idea i alternatywna wizja etycznego wykorzystywania danych osobowych. To także ruch i społeczność oraz globalna organizacja non-profit. Przeczytaj więcej tutaj: https://mydata.org

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Godna uwagi informacje

Covid-19 is here to stay. People will have to adapt

You may have lost interest in the pandemic. It has not lost interest in you.

New data shows publisher revenue impact of cutting 3rd party trackers

In January 2020, when NPO switched from tracking-based targeting to contextual targeting, revenue increased 61% more than January 2019.

Announcement for the MyData Online 2020 Conference (Video: 6:02min)

Save the dates 10 - 12 December 2020 for the MyData Online 2020 Conference themed: Radical collaboration for designing the new normal

The Internet of Bodies is here. This is how it will change our lives

Smart thermometers, digital pills: the Internet of Bodies connects and analyses our health data. Here's what we must do to make the technology work for us.



Check out the MyDataShare API! This API spec defines operations for Organizations (OPs) to manage a registry of Data Providers, Data Consumers, and Processing Records.

MyData Internals


  • MyData-Operators had a call on Wednesday, July 8th and prepared for the first round of MyData Operator applicants
  • Marlies asks if there is a finance or financial-data channel?
  • Chris started a discussion about government-based MyData initiatives and already received some insightful comments
  • Sille welcomed - after a long pause - 2 new hubs: MyData Canada and MyData Saal
  • Teemu informed that Vastuu Group already confirmed their Silver partnership for the upcoming MyData online 2020 conference

2224 (3 new)
273 (31 zauważony: ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, cities, common_endpoints, community, community-meeting, decisions, design, done, economy, event-2020-europe, events-and-meetings, general, health-data, hub-initiators, identity, make-it-happen, media, my-ai, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, policy, random, reading, startups, strategy, thank-you, tools, transparency, welcome)
7 podziekowali 18

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