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Business & Government Simple read

Metaverses are coming, but who owns your avatar?

Who owns your metaverse avatar? This question is fundamental for the future of metaverses, digital services and human rights.

Business & Government Simple read

Will Microsoft Beat Facebook to the Metaverse?

"When comparing Meta — formerly Facebook — and Microsoft's approaches to the metaverse, it's clear Microsoft has a much more grounded and realistic vision," argues an analyst at data analytics/consultancy company GlobalData.

Individuals Simple read

How Should Facebook Be Fixed?

The technology site Recode interviewed 12 "leading thinkers and leaders on Facebook today," including the Senator pushing tech-industry updates for U.S. antitrust law, an early researcher on viral misinformation, and a now-critical former Facebook executive. "[M]ost believe that Facebook can be fixed, or at least that some of its issues are possible to improve..." Their ideas are wide-ranging, with some more ambitious and unexpected than others. But common themes emerge in many of their answers that reveal a growing consensus about what Facebook needs to change and a few different paths that regulators and the company itself could take to make it happen.

Individuals Intermediate read

Media Literacy and Critical Thinking Online

This publication from the US Homeland Security provides information for how individuals can be resilient to harmful or false narratives in the online space and effective when consuming and sharing information online. The resource provides definitions of the various types of misleading information, offers recommendations for approaching digital content, and lists further educational and programmatic resources.

Individuals Intermediate read

Playful by Design - Free play in a digital world

The Digital Futures Commission is an exciting research collaboration of unique organisations that invites innovators, policy makers, regulators, academics and civil society to unlock digital innovation in the interests of children and young people.

Developers Simple read

Zero Knowledge Proofs

Zero-knowledge proofs are a powerful cryptographic technique at the heart of self-sovereign identity (SSI). This post should help you understand what they are and how they can be used.

Business & Government Advanced read

Improving the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions during COVID-19

During an evolving outbreak or pandemic, non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) including physical distancing, isolation, and mask use may flatten the peak in communities. However, these strategies rely on community understanding and motivation to engage to ensure appropriate compliance and impact.

Developers Intermediate read

Co-managing My Data

This paper sets out a vision for what could become a sustainable set of processes around the sourcing, management, and use of personal data. Our context for doing so is that the current model for personal data management on the Internet is badly broken and has architectural limitations that are largely un-resolvable.

Business & Government Simple read

22 companies and organisations receive the MyData Operator 2021 Award

The MyData Operator Award recognises personal data companies that have shown leadership by empowering individuals to control their personal data. To show their commitment to ethical personal data management, participating organisations are required to disclose information about their operations. The MyData Operator Award shows that ethical alternatives exist and provide value for companies and users alike. Today, 22 service providers across 11 countries were awarded the status of MyData Operator 2021.

Individuals Simple read

The Battle for Our Children’s Future

The control of personal data is critical and sacred to our human autonomy, self determination and ability to advance ourselves. This is especially relevant of our children’s data and their digital foot print.

Individuals Intermediate read

Fundamentals for a Child-Oriented Approach to Data Processing

In December 2020, the Data Protection Commission (“DPC”) published draft guidance entitled “Children Front and Centre: Fundamentals for a Child-Oriented Approach to Data Processing” (the “Fundamentals”).


Developers Advanced read


From the "Personal Data Store Interoperability" Initiative which I'm a part of, here is the data conventions wiki:

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