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Individuals Intermediate read

Smart city challenge / Finest Twin Cities

FinEst Centre for Smart Cities is an Estonian-Finnish collaboration and MyData was part of a 2020 challenge. It has now been shortlisted as one of five project to move forward: Citizen Data Roaming.

Individuals Simple read

MyData, My Climate, and My Carbon

With COP26 taking place this week, governments, companies, and individuals are discussing how we can all reduce our carbon emissions. The task is monumental, and technology has an important role to play – both in reducing its own carbon footprint and in helping the wider world track and reduce their emissions. This blog post gives a few examples from MyData Global’s supporting companies and organisations that are helping people improve their sustainability.

Business & Government Simple read

All Those 23andMe Spit Tests Were Part of a Bigger Plan

23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki wants to make drugs using insights from millions of customer DNA samples, and doesn't think that should bother anyone. First 23andMe plans to sell tastemakers on their mail-in spit kits as a way to learn sort-of-interesting things about their DNA makeup, such as its likely ancestral origins and the chance it would lead to certain health conditions. Eventually the compnay will able to lower prices enough to make the kits broadly accessible, allowing 23andMe to build a database big enough to identify new links between diseases and particular genes. Later, this research would fuel the creation of drugs the company could tailor to different genetic profiles. 23andMe would become a new kind of health-care business, sitting somewhere between a Big Pharma lab, a Big Tech company, and a trusted neighborhood doctor.

Individuals Simple read

Is Facebook Bad for You? It Is for About 360 Million Users, Company Surveys Suggest

Facebook researchers have found that 1 in 8 of its users report engaging in compulsive use of social media that impacts their sleep, work, parenting or relationships, according to documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

Business & Government Simple read

Privacy Principles for Mobility Data Launched

The New Urban Mobility Alliance (NUMO), North American Bikeshare & Scootershare Association (NABSA), and Open Mobility Foundation (OMF) announced the launch of the Privacy Principles for Mobility Data to help guide the mobility ecosystem in the responsible use of data and the protection of individual privacy.

Business & Government Intermediate read

The “9Rs Framework”: Establishing the Business Case for Data Collaboration and Re-Using Data in the Public Interest

For all the discussion of the societal value of having organizations provide access to their data, there’s been little discussion of the business case on why to make data available for reuse. The Open Data Policy Lab addresses these questions with its “9R Framework,” a method for describing and identifying the business case for data reuse for the public good.

Business & Government Intermediate read

Beauty Is Not in the Eye of the Beholder

Goldman Sachs released this report with the purpose of providing a thorough, balanced and objective examination of the digital asset ecosystem. Such an undertaking was not easy: The technology underlying blockchains is revolutionary, complex and rapidly evolving. The industry uses new jargon. There is a significant amount of misinformation and disinformation.

Individuals Simple read

Europe Once Again at Centre of Covid Pandemic, Says WHO

Uneven vaccine coverage and a relaxation of preventive measures have brought Europe to a "critical point" in the pandemic, the World Health Organization has said, with cases again at near-record levels and 500,000 more deaths forecast by February.

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Developers Advanced read

Submit your initiative to be featured in the UN Habitat listing

This people centered smart cities initiatives and solutions compendium is developed to support the UN-Habitat’s flagship programme on “People-Centered Smart Cities”. It is a collection of innovative solutions (tools, mobile applications, digital platforms, reports, trainings, guidelines, etc.) that contribute to improving quality of life in cities and regions. These are solutions developed around the world at the national and local levels by government agencies, international institutions, NGOs, research institutions, private companies, etc.


Developers Advanced read

Ocean Protocol

This post is a wholistic overview of the Ocean Protocol ecosystem past, present, and future.

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