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The new IKEA Data Promise (Video: 10:37)

Companies discover data ethics as part of their corporate communications: IKEA promises to embed data ethics into all their processes.

EU Data Strategy

The European Commission unveiled its data strategy to make EU a global leader in AI & data economy. Notably, MyData was referenced as an example to give individuals the tools and means to decide at a granular level what is done with their data.
Teemu also compiled a list of key documents: EU Data Strategy PDF, AI White Paper PDF, MyData Notes on Data Strategy and AI, MyData Comments on Data Strategy and AI, MyData Blogpost

Amazon: packages move lightning fast; CCPA electrons take months

Requested my personal data from Amazon under the California Consumer Privacy Act. The company that can get me toilet paper within 2 hours takes a month to send me a zip file?

Commerce in Data and the Dynamically Limited Alienability Rule

Commerce in some data is, and should be, limited by the law because some data embody values and interests (in particular, human dignity) that may be detrimentally affected by trade.

Microsoft Research: Democratizing Data

In this podcast Dr. Kossmann reflects on his life as a database researcher and tells us how Socrates, an innovative database-as-a-service architecture, is re-envisioning traditional database design.

질문 목록

MyData Wikipedia Page

There is no MyData entry on the English Wikipedia so far becahuse it’s been tricky to get past the [Notability requirement]( Since MyData is now referenced in the EU Data Strategy this should be easier. Are there any wikipedia experts/enthusiasts around who’d like to look into this?

Is selling personal data like smoking?

A great discussion triggered by this statement: Like smoking, selling personal data generated by one should be allowed if the individual so wants and it should be taxed to high heaven to discourage people from doing so.

MyData 내부

Board & Steering Group


1766 (17 new)
237 (30 모니터링된 채널: ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, cities, common_endpoints, community, community-meeting, decisions, design, done, economy, event-2020-europe, events-and-meetings, general, health-data, hub-initiators, make-it-happen, media, my-ai, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, policy, random, reading, startups, strategy, thank-you, tools, transparency, welcome)
8 고마움을 표시함 14

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