Köszöntünk a MyData Weekly Digest híroldalon, amely elkötelezetten törekszik arra, hogy minőségi híreket szolgáltasson a személyes adatok kezelésének emberközpontú megközelítéséről. A híreket elsősorban az (angol nyelvű) MyData Global Slack Channel -ről gyűjtjük 2019 júniusa óta. A bejegyzések és a hozzászólások a feltüntetett felhasználó tulajdonát képezik. A MyData a jelenlegi gyakorlattól eltérő elképzelés a személyes adatok etikus felhasználásáról. Erre épülő mozgalom és közösség, valamint egy globális nonprofit szervezet is egyben. További információ itt található: mydata.org

Az OwnYourData és a MyData közösség ugyanazokat az értékeket képviseli az igazságos, fenntartható és virágzó digitális társadalommal kapcsolatban. További információ a OwnYourData Mission Statement oldalon található. Kérjük, támogasd a MyData mozgalomat! Amennyiben bármilyen javaslatod van, lépj velünk kapcsolatba az weekly-digest(at)ownyourdata.eu címen.

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Noteworthy Information

VRM Development Work

A comprehensive list of Vendor Relationship Management tools - albeit it probably needs some pruning as some are no longer active.

Lib Dems profile every voter in UK

The Liberal Democrats are profiling every voter in the country by scoring their political preferences out of 100 This includes which party they will vote for in the next election and whether they are a Remainer or Leaver.

EU guidelines on ethics in artificial intelligence: Context and implementation (PDF)

You may have seen the EU Guidelines on Ethics in AI. As I believe we are entering in a 'regulating AI debate', it's worth sharing it here.

Our approach to innovation is dead wrong (Video: 9:48min)

Diana Kander talking about innovation at TEDxKC.

A Human-Centric Digital Manifesto for Europe

The digital revolution is radically changing every aspect of human life in the 21st century and it’s essential that regulators address the challenges this transformation brings. The new European Commission should look beyond digital single market issues, and focus on creating new rights-based policies and regulations based on freedom, democracy, equality, and rule of law to ensure that existing offline rights are protected online.

Silicon Valley and the state gird for war

The battle lines of an American regulatory assault on technology companies are being drawn.

Moving Beyond User-centered Design (PDF)

Jodi Forlizzi from the Carnegie Mellon University writes 'If I could wave a magic wand, I would use it to make the HCI community move beyond user-centered design to a notion of stakeholder-centered design.'

Slovak Republic works with digi.me to lead the way in citizen centricity

Citizen centricity, which enables people living in a country to easily opt in to government and third party services by owning and controlling their own digital footprint, is taking off around the world.

De-google-ify Internet - List of alternatives

The whole web is occupied by centralized services… Well… not entirely. One small village of indomitable Free Software lovers still holds out against the invaders.

Questions Asked

Global Initiative to Standardize Fairness in the Trade of Data

'A collaboration to develop a standards framework governing the fair trade of human and personal data' - Anyone familiar with this?


UBDI: Universal Basic Data Income

Want to see the power of data when aggregated at the individual - see @digime partner @UBDIncome present at Fiinovate.

MyData Internals

This week MyData Global celebrated its 1-year anniversary - Happy Birthday! The MyData Madrid hub had its peer-acceptance and videos of the MyData 2019 conference will be made available in the course of this month on this YouTube channel.

1537 (15 new)
205 (32 monitored: ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, cities, community, conference-2019, conference-programme, decisions, design, done, economy, general, health-data, hub-initiators, human-centric, ihan, interoperability, make-it-happen, mapping, media, my-ai, mydata-volunteers, mydata-wild-ideas, new-digital-rights, random, reading, startups, thank-you, tools, transparency, visionofsuccess2022, welcome)
9 thanked 18

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