Bienvenue sur le MyData Weekly Digest, site d’actus sur la gestion des données personnelles, et notamment dans une approche “Human Centric” . Nous fournissons des informations récupérées principalement sur le MyData Global Slack Channel depuis juin 2019. Les publications et commentaires appartiennent à l'utilisateur de chaque entrée. MyData est à la fois une idée et une vision éthique de la donnée personnelle. C’est aussi un mouvement et une communauté, et une organisation mondiale à but non lucratif. En savoir plus ici:

OwnYourData et la communauté MyData partagent les mêmes valeurs pour une société numérique juste, durable et prospère. Voir la Déclaration de mission OwnYourData pour plus d'informations, voir supporter le mouvement MyData. Si vous avez des suggestions, n’hésitez pas à me contacter à weekly-digest(at)

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Information importante

[Intermediate] Four ways to accelerate the creation of data ecosystems

Public and private organizations rapidly set up data ecosystems to help fight COVID-19. McKinsey describes how companies can fast-track their ecosystem development.

Business & Government Advanced read

GDPR Data Portability: The Forgotten Right

Europe has some of the most advanced data rights in the world, and yet in practice, it is almost impossible to access and move one’s individual data in a useful way. European citizens and businesses can co-create value and strengthen local economies if they can move their data between services. This overview discusses current challenges and proposes 10 solutions to improve data portability in 2021.

Business & Government Intermediate read

The European Data Governance Act from a data sovereignty perspective

We are keen to share our thoughts on how the Data Governance Act (DGA) can help to advance Europe’s digital economy in practice. Therefore, we organised a live webinar on 25 May 2021.

[Simple] Matt Hancock has quietly told your GP to hand over your health data

If you live in England, all your encounters with your GP – information about your physical, mental and sexual health – could be ‘sold’ to third parties.


Individuals Simple read

Tru is perhaps the only scalable alternative to traditional social media that doesn’t use an algorithm. It offers a safe, clean, curated feed, with no ads, noise or surveillance.


I’m extremely happy to announce that Findy cooperative has been founded!

MyData interne

Board and Steering Committee


Recurring calls:

Other postings:

  • Juan is looking for collaboration with an European SME company that offers services for big data to work together on preparing an European project
  • Isaac informed about the upcoming TechUp on June 19-20 and is looking for speakers for this event organized by TheIOFoundation
  • Johannes wondered if anybody has filed a data access request with Slack - and posted his experience in this Slack thread

2660 (11 new)
126 (59 monitoré: academic-research, ai-ethics, anewgovernance, board, business-models, cases, cities, clubhouse, common_endpoints, communications, community, community-meeting, conference-programme, coronadata, data_literacy, data-monetisation, data-portability, decentralised-identity, decisions, declaration, design, diversity, events-and-meetings, funding-opportunities, fundraising, general, general-meeting, gig-work, health-data, hubs, leadership-elections, membership, mobility, mydata-4-pandemics, mydata-academy, mydata-dictionary, myddata-jobs, mydata-operators, mydata-presentations, mydata4children, ourdata, policy, random, reading, scenarioplanning2025, skillsdata, slack-help, spending, startups, steering-committee, strategy, tech, thank-you, thematic-groups, tools, transparency, twitter, website-feedback, welcome)
5 remercié 6

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