Interessante Informationen

Datacoup is shutting down operations

This week emails were sent out: “Datacoup is shutting down operations and will be decommissioning all of our servers. Any data you previously added to the platform was never sold. If you received payments in the past, they were coming from the Datacoup treasury account.”

Data agency at stake: MyData activism and alternative frames of equal participation

Data activism has emerged as a response to asymmetries in how data and the means of knowledge production are distributed. This article examines MyData, a data activism initiative developing principles for a new technical and commercial ecosystem in which individuals control the use of personal data.

Regulating Industrial Internet Through IPR, Data Protection and Competition Law

This book is the result of a larger project titled ‘Future Regulation of Industrial Internet (FRII)’, a collaborative academic-industry study funded by Business Finland (former Tekes). Experts in various relevant fields of science and industry measure the legal tensions created by Industrial Internet in our global economy and propose solutions that are both theoretically valuable and concretely practical, identifying workable business models and practices based on both technical and legal knowledge.

Data agency at stake: MyData activism and alternative frames of equal participation

Data activism has emerged as a response to asymmetries in how data and the means of knowledge production are distributed. This article examines MyData, a data activism initiative developing principles for a new technical and commercial ecosystem in which individuals control the use of personal data.