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Business & Government Intermediate read

What does the EU's Data Governance Act mean for smart cities?

A new approach to data sharing outlined by the European Commission (EC) last week could accelerate smart city initiatives. Potential benefits include more advanced solutions to climate change, health and mobility challenges; better ability to port innovation between cities; and new personalised services for residents.

[Intermediate] Covid-19 spurs national plans to give citizens digital identities

MOSIP, an open-source platform developed in India, will be central to many of those efforts

[Advanced] Making sense of the new common EU electronic ID

Say welcome to the EUeID - a GDPR-compliant verifiable credential of citizenship anywhere in the EU.

[Advanced] Berlin Declaration on Digital Society and Value-Based Digital Government

Declaration signed at the ministerial meeting during the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union on 8 December 2020.

[Intermediate] China’s country-as-platform strategy for global influence

As platforms continue to grow, control over the trade in goods and services is shifting from countries to digital platforms. And as trade, labor, and money grow increasingly digitized and are exchanged on platforms, countries need to rethink their positions in the global flow of these goods. If they are to gain a competitive advantage, countries need to increasingly pursue a platform strategy.

[Simple] What if people controlled their own health data?

The NHS in 2030 project imagines a world where citizens are able to easily share their health data in a standardised format and in real-time with studies operating on a large or a small-scale.

[Simple] MyData Conference 2020

The 2020 edition of MyData conference #MyDataOnline2020 took place from December 10th-12th.

[Intermediate] WHO Digital COVID-19 Vaccination Infrastructure

Estonian Prime Minister Jüri Ratas, WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced yesterday an international partnership to build a trusted COVID-19 Vaccination Certification Infrastructure, accelerating recovery from the global pandemic.

[Simple] Tech giants may face billions of pounds in fines from new UK watchdog

Competition regulator wants Digital Markets Unit to have power to levy huge penalties if firms abuse code of conduct

[Advanced] GLEIF Advances Digital Trust and Identity for Legal Entities Globally

Following a series of 2020 research initiatives, GLEIF (Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation) has invited stakeholders from across the digital economy to engage in a cross industry development program to create an ecosystem and credential governance framework, together with a technical supporting infrastructure, for a verifiable LEI (vLEI - verifiable Legal Entity Identifier), a digitally verifiable credential containing the LEI.


[Advanced] Smart Information Security Budget

The questionnaire is devoted to different aspects of making up and distributing Information Security (IS) budget also for ensuring a proper level of data protection. The goal of the research is to find correlation between specific IS budget characteristics and IS and data protection risks that organizations are subject to.


Individuals Intermediate read


Fairphone announces partnership with /e/ Foundation for an open-source operating system that prioritizes user privacy.


Board and Steering Group

  • Sille put forward a motion to approve 11 new individual and 1 new organizational member


2473 (23 new)
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