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EU drugs regulators prepare for COVID vaccines’ potential risks

The European Medicines Agency and national regulators will monitor data from a wide range of sources.

How the U.S. Military Buys Location Data from Ordinary Apps

A Muslim prayer app with over 98 million downloads is one of the apps connected to a wide-ranging supply chain that sends ordinary people's personal data to brokers, contractors, and the military.

The Few, the Tired, the Open Source Coders

Here's something for the MyData community to think about: The open source movement runs on the heroic efforts of not enough people doing too much work. They need help.

Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act Shifts Away from a Consent-Centric Framework

The Singapore Parliament passed amendments to its Personal Data Protection Act from 2012.

New MyData Global Brand Video (YouTube: 1:47min)

Check out our fresh new MyData Global BRAND VIDEO - please share it to your networks with a call-to-action join us on December at the MyData Online 2020 Conference!

EDPS: Preliminary Opinion on the European Health Data Space

The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) published it's Preliminary Opinion on European Health Data Space.

Getting Value with User-Held Data

User-centric data model opens new opportunities with data, and opens the gate for creativity and innovation in this space.

Logged out: Ownership, exclusion and public value in the digital data and information commons

Abstract: In recent years, critical scholarship has drawn attention to increasing power differentials between corporations that use data and people whose data is used. A growing number of scholars see digital data and information commons as a way to counteract this asymmetry. In this paper I raise two concerns with this argument.

New EU laws could erase its legacy of world-leading data protection

The view of AccessNow (and others) on the Data Governance Act.

Individuals Intermediate read

ODI Report: Data about children’s lives in the pandemic

‘Data about children’s lives in the pandemic’ looks at the impact of the pandemic on children’s lives, and the wellbeing of parents and teachers, through the lens of new data made available to the ODI, as well as various open data sources and in-depth qualitative research.

Coronavirus: The Swiss Cheese Strategy

How Any Country Can Learn to Dance and Stop the Coronavirus.



From the outer MyData community: A sort of a Slack etc. replacement


Board and Steering Group


Disclaimer: I'm also a candidate in the current MyData election process

Please participate in this years election and vote here!

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