Discover where your personal data is and manage your digital footprint. You decide where your data should or shouldn't be, and we'll make it happen.
Sector: not available
Process: not available
Other: #ownership #privacy
similar tools: Cyber Chronix, Panther Score, Data Detox Kit, Revue, Your Digital Self, Ethi, D-ID, Fawkes, PrivicyPal, Contextual Consent, BigID, Schluss, Idka
A novel approach to finding out what your “digital footprint” is - you login to their system, and they will inform you on which companies hold personal data about you, including your credit card details!
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available since: unknown
last update: June 5th, 2021
MyData membership: unknown
License: unknown
information provided by Josh Lim request to edit this Mine entry
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